Dentistry is Really About Total Body Health, Not Just Teeth

Dental health is not only about pretty pearly whites. While the focus in our practice is on tooth, jaw, and mouth, at Let’s Smile Dental we also know that dental care is important for total body wellness.

Your child’s chewing, speech development, and self-confidence all start with a healthy set of teeth. Like a fountain, the health of your teeth can trickle down to affect the rest of your body functions like digestion, breathing, and even their little hearts.

Regular dental checkups are essential to a healthy lifestyle because at Let’s Smile Dental we know how to spot problems early on and treat them quickly to prevent more serious complications later in life. Read on for some ways that dental care can affect the rest of your child’s body and maintain their overall health.

First Impressions and Self-confidence

Which came first: the beautiful smile or the confidence that created that great grin? Unlike the chicken and the egg, we think we know the answer to this one for sure. A fabulous looking smile can help make your child more confident. On the flip side, crooked and unhealthy teeth could make your child reluctant to smile, affecting self-confidence and perception from their peers who might wrongly think them unfriendly. There are studies that show a good smile can make you seem more approachable and friendly to others – making it easier to make friends in social settings. We want our kids to be happy and smiling is a good measure of happiness. Oh,and proper dental care definitely reduces bad breath.

Reduce the Risk of Infections

Proper mouth care and reducing plaque on your teeth can mean fewer bodily infections. Our mouths can harbor some really seedy stuff like bacteria, yeasts and viruses that hang around our teeth. Without proper dental care like regular brushing and flossing, your gums can become inflamed and bleed, offering those little nasties an open route to enter your body to cause a host of other problems like heart disease, cardiovascular disease, and even pneumonia or other respiratory illnesses. Taking care of your gums may feel like a grown-up thing, but, trust us, your kiddo’s gums need the same care. Plus you’re instilling healthy habits that will last a lifetime. 

Chewing and Digestion

“Chew your food!” Sound familiar? Don’t worry, you’re not being an overprotective parent. Eating a healthy diet is a great first step to ensuring your child’s health and what goes into their little mouths needs to be properly broken down before it’s swallowed in order to take advantage of all that good stuff. Good chewing habits contribute to good digestion and help the body absorb the nutrients in your food better. A good bite (occlusion in dental-speak) means your child can chew better and get a better experience out of eating. Proper chewing also prevents bloating and other gastrointestinal problems like (no giggling) excessive flatulence.

Memory Function and Alzheimer’s 

Believe it or not, gingivitis has been linked to a person’s level of cognitive function. Yes, studies have shown that gingivitis AKA gum disease – inflammation, bleeding, and tenderness of your gums –  can affect how adults perform on memory and cognitive skill tests. A recent study demonstrated a link between the bacteria that causes gum disease with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Just another reason why starting healthy habits, like flossing, early will help your child throughout life. 

Tongue Tie Solutions

Ankyloglossia or tongue-tie is when your tongue movement is restricted by a little band of tissue at the tip of the tongue attached to the base of the mouth. This can affect breastfeeding for infants and speech later on in life. Tongue-tie can affect maxillofacial development and contribute to under-development of the jaw. This can cause long-term breathing problems and create oral health issues such dental crowding, tooth decay and gum disease. Dr. Brown is experienced with resolving tongue tie issues through a laser procedure (frenectomy) done in-office. It’s a simple procedure and can make a huge difference with your child’s health and self-confidence. And if you’re a stressed new mama reading this, please come see us – we can help! 

At Let’s Smile Dental, we strongly believe in total body health and it starts with healthy habits contributing to a healthy and happy smile. We are a caring and friendly office with a great reputation (just read our reviews!) in the Springfield area. If you care about your child’s overall health like we do, we hope you’ll bring your little on in for a visit. Whether they’ve just sprouted their first tooth or they have some wiggly ones, we look forward to meeting your child. 

Click here to schedule an appointment today! 


Keep your little one smiling by joining our 7&Up Club

7&Up Club members enjoy complimentary yearly check ups from Let’s Smile’s board-certified orthodontists, fun gifts once they sign up and on their birthday as well as many perks from local businesses!  Keep your child’s dental health on track and set them up for a lifetime of smiles 🙂

Club members also receive special discounts on retainer replacements, teeth whitening kits and more!

Click here to learn more about our 7&Up Club and to join it!

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